Saudi Electroic University

An invitation to attend a lecture on: Academic or Professional Education in Accounting

An invitation to attend a lecture on: Academic or Professional Education in Accounting

An invitation to attend a lecture on: Academic or Professional Education in Accounting

An invitation to attend a lecture on: Academic or Professional Education in Accounting


The Accounting Club at the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences invites you to attend a lecture on

Academic or Professional Education in Accounting

presented by Dr. Maysoon Muhammad Saeed Khoja, Assistant Professor of Accounting.

The Lecture will be held on Saturday 3 Apr 2021

from 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM.


Lecture Outline:

  • The difference between academic education and professional education in accounting. 
  • Professional accounting certificates, their importance, types, and the difference between them.
  • The appropriate time to obtain professional certificates.



This Lecture will be delivered  virtually via Blackboard through the link HERE.

It will be offered to all Saudi Electronic University male and female students.