Saudi Electroic University

An invitation to attend a training course on: How do I Understand Mathematics

An invitation to attend a training course on: How do I Understand Mathematics

An invitation to attend a training course on: How do I Understand Mathematics

An invitation to attend a training course on: How do I Understand Mathematics


The Deanship of Admissions and Student Affairs invites you to attend a training course on

How do I Understand Mathematics

Presented by Professor Jahir Khalid Al-Bakhit, Lecturer _ Saudi Electronic University.

 on Tuesday 08\ 06\ 2021

from 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM



  • Clarify the importance of mathematics.
  • Linking mathematics with other fields and sciences, and why is it emphasized during the study of most disciplines.
  • Discussing some problems and misconceptions about mathematics and working to correct them.
  • Highlighting the individual differences between students and enhancing the trainee's confidence.
  •  Presenting and introducing some methods to help you understand mathematics and prepare for the test.
  •  Explain the strategy for solving mathematical



  • This course will be delivered virtually via Blackboard through the link HERE.
  • It is offered to all Saudi Electronic University male and female students.
  • There will be a certificate of attending the course 2 credit hours.