Saudi Electroic University

An invitation to attend a lecture on: The Importance of Covid19 Vaccine

An invitation to attend a lecture on: The Importance of Covid19 Vaccine

An invitation to attend a lecture on: The Importance of Covid19 Vaccine

An invitation to attend a lecture on: The Importance of Covid19 Vaccine


The Deanship of Admission and Student Affairs, in cooperation with College of Health Sciences, invite you to attend an awareness lecture on

The Importance of Covid19 Vaccine

presented by Dr. Sakina Al-Nasser, Assistant Professor at the College of Health Sciences.

on Thursday 25\09\1442 - 06\05\2021

from 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM.



  •  The definition of Covid 19 vaccine and its types
  • Vaccination approved in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  •  How reliable is the vaccine
  •  Fallacies about the vaccine
  •  Statistics of vaccine introduction at the University Medical Center



This lecture is presented to all Saudi Electronic University male and female students .

This lecture will be delivered virtually via Blackboard through the link HERE.