Course Registration for the Bachelor’s Degree for the Summer Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024

Dear Students
The Deanship of Admission and Registration is pleased to announce availability of summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024 through the banner system.
The start date for course registration for bachelor’s degree for the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024, which will start on Saturday 22-06-2024 at 11:00 AM and end of Monday 24-12-2024.
Registration Instructions:
- Registration in the summer semester is optional.
- The priority of registration is for students who are expected to graduate this summer semester.
- The registration priority will be according to the seniority of the batches in university numbers, subject to the available vacancies in the offered courses.
- Registration for conflicted courses in lectures, midterm exams, and final exams are not allowed.
- Credit hours allowed for registration is 9 credit hours, and summer expected graduated are allowed to register for 12 credit hours.
- Summer expected graduates is a student who has 12 credit hours remining in the academic plan.
- Summer tuition hour fees are not waived.
- The tuition hour fees in the summer semester are 300 riyals.
- Payment of fees is available immediately after the completion of registration. In the event of non-payment within the specified payment period announced in the academic calendar, the university has the right to automatically delete the registration by 30 Jun 2024.
To view the guide to browsing the academic sections: click here
To view the mechanism for adding laboratory sections to the College of Computing and Informatics courses: click here
To watch the instructional video: click here
We wish you all the best of luck and success.
Deanship of Admissions and registration