An invitation to attend a training course on: Professionalism in Writing Emails

The Deanship of Admission and Student Affair in cooperation with the College of Computing and Informatics invites you to attend a training course on
"Professionalism in Writing Emails"
presented by Professor Bushra Muhammad Al Salim
the course will take place on Monday, 16\08\1442 - 29\03\2021
from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
- Email components and how to manage each part.
- The importance of the email subject and most common mistakes.
- Define the elements of a clear email: (Greetings, Introduction, Email content, conclusion, Email attachments)
- Writing style.
- Design and format.
- How to direct and send an email.
- Use of “TO”, “CC” and “BCC”
- Topics to be avoided in any e-mail.
- Ten things that increase the likelihood that your recipient will read your email.
- Examples of various email messages.
- This lecture will be delivered virtually via Blackboard through the link HERE.
- The course will be offered to all Saudi Electronic University male and female students.