Saudi Electroic University

Administrative Jobs (higher ranks) at Headquarter in Riyadh by Transfer - for current government employees

Administrative Jobs (higher ranks) at Headquarter in Riyadh by Transfer - for current government employees

Administrative Jobs (higher ranks) at Headquarter in Riyadh by Transfer - for current government employees

Administrative Jobs (higher ranks) at Headquarter in Riyadh by Transfer - for current government employees


The Deanship of Human Resources at Saudi Electronic University announces job opportunities (for current government employees) by transfer or transfer by promotion according to the job's eligibility and qualification requirements.

from Wednesday, February 16, 2022 until Tuesday, February 22, 2022.

Gender Branch Rank Job Title
Male / Female Riyadh 12 Director of Budget and Planning
Male / Female Riyadh 12 IT department manager
Male / Female Riyadh 12 Director of internal audit
Male / Female Riyadh 12 General Financial Controller
Male / Female Riyadh 11 Purchasing Department Manager


Application Terms & Conditions:

  • Applicant must be Saudi.
  • Applicant must be a government employee.
  • Applicant must be at the same rank of the job transferred to or lower, provided that it does not exceed one rank and is eligible for promotion.
  • Applicant is transferred only after passing the ranking process and personal interview.
  • Applicant must complete transfer or transfer by promotion requirements, if accepted, within (15) days.
  • Requests that do not meet application requirements will not be handled or responded to.


  • P.S. Job application is available at the University's headquarter and applying for multiple jobs is not permitted.
  • Jobs are subject to competition and is designated for the specified branch and cannot be transferred to another University's branch.
  • The applicants will be responded to within two months from the personal interview date.
  • You can apply only online via the following link, HERE.