Forum: Exams Preparation

The Deanship of Admission and Student Affairs, in cooperation with the Student Care Center, is plased to invite you to attend a forum entitled: Exams Preparation.
Presented by:
- Dr. Maysoon Khoja, Dean of the Deanship of Admissions and Student Affairs and Director of the Student Care Center.
- Dr. Khaled Shaaban, Vice Dean of Student Affairs and Head of Career Representation.
- Dr. Haya Zeidan, Head of the Academic Counseling Unit.
- Dr. Hoda Al-Muhanna, Head of the Psychological Counseling Unit.
- Dr. Ibrahim Al Qasimi, Head of the Social Counseling Unit.
- Dr. Ahmed Abdel Wahab, Head of the Special Needs Unit.
- Dr. Haifa Al-Harthy, Head of the Gifted and Innovative Unit.
The forum will be held on Monday, December 20, 2021, from 12:40 PM to 02:50 PM.
- About the center, its tasks and units.
- Available services.
- Communication Channels.
- About the units and its tasks.
- Tips for preparing for exams.
- It is offered to all Saudi Electronic University students.
- This forum will be delivered virtually via (Webex) through the link HERE.