Saudi Electroic University

STEP Test Registration for Common First Year Students

STEP Test Registration for Common First Year Students

STEP Test Registration for Common First Year Students

STEP Test Registration for Common First Year Students


The Deanship of Common First Year announce the examination dates for STEP are between 24th of July 2022 and 12th of August 2022. All SEU students enrolled in summer course 2021/2022 of the English language program are advised to log in to Qiyas website and register for STEP exam. Registration fees for SEU students have been prepaid by the university. Note: Seats for STEP Test are limited.

First: To register for the test, click HERE and follow these steps

  1. Fill in the National ID and password.
  2. After filling in the fields, click on login.
  3. Click on the test icon available to register.
  4. Choose the English Language Proficiency Test (for Saudi Electronic University candidates).
  5. Approval of the alert.
  6. Agree to instructions.
  7. Enter the city that suits you.
  8. After pressing "Search", the test seats will appear, indicating the date and time.
  9. Click on “Choose” in front of the test that suits you, then “Confirm Appointment Reservation”.
  10. Then you will see details and instructions for the test.

Second: Emphasis on the necessity of bringing any of the following evidence to the examination halls

  • The original national identity card or passport with a recent photo of the student.
  • For non-Saudis: Iqama or passport with a recent photo.