Saudi National Day 91 Competition

The Saudi Electronic University, represented by the Deanship of Admission and Student Affairs, announces the National Day competition, which aims to share your creativity and convey your feelings by contributing your creative work.
You can submit your visual designs, including a short film, images, or digital arts. It is important that your participation include, in addition to your feelings, a message about the success of e-learning during the pandemic in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Acceptable Participation Policies:
- Students must be enrolled and registered university students
- The participation must be the creativity of the student
- To be in accordance with the tolerant Islamic teachings and principles
- The participation aims to highlight the celebration of the National Day
- To clearly tell the message of education during the pandemic and to distinguish the qualitative and unique experience of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the world level.
- Students must submit their participation using the SNDC91 registration form here
- Using the hashtag assigned to the competition #Saudi_Electronic_University.
- Participation should be innovative, creative and implemented in high quality.
- One participation for each student.
- The distinguished entries are nominated by the SNDC91 Committee.
- Commitment to the Saudi official dress code.
There are 11 prizes, 1000 SAR for each creative winner
Competition schedule:
- Announcing and receiving entries on Monday, 06 Safar 1443 AH corresponding September 13, 2021 AD.
- The last day for submitting entries is on Tuesday, 14 Safar 1443 AH, corresponding to September 21, 2021 AD.
- The last day for sorting entries is on Wednesday, 15 Safar 1443 AH corresponding to September 22, 2021 AD
- Announcing creative posts through the university's channels on Thursday, 16 Safar 1443 AH, corresponding to September 23, 2021 AD.
Honoring the winners of the prizes through the university’s channels on Sunday, 19 Safar 1443 AH corresponding to September 26, 2021 AD