An Invitation to Attend a Lecture in Raising Awareness in Women Health

The College of Health Science -department of public Health - Community Service Unit invites you to attend
“Raising Awareness in Women Health” lecture
provided by Dr. Samiha Hamdi Sayed Ramadan.
The lecture Will Discuss the Following Issues:
- Introducing the concept of the premenstrual syndrome.
- Discuss the physical and psychological symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
- Explore the coping and treatment measures of premenstrual syndrome.
The lecture will be held on Thursday 15 \06 \ 1442 - 28\ 01 \ 2021
from 1:00 PM to 02:00 PM.
- The lecture is available to everyone.
- The target group (female students and employees of the university or outside it).
- This seminar will be delivered virtually via Blackboard, HERE.
We wish you success and prosperity
College of Health Science