An invitation to attend a training course: How to translate a text with high efficiency

The Deanship of Admissions and Student Affairs invites you to attend a training course
How to translate a text with high efficiency
presented by Dr. Saleh Belhasan, Assistant Professor at Saudi Electronic University - College of Science and Theoretical Studies - Department of English and Translation.
on Saturday July 10, 2021
from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM.
Course Outline:
The program is divided into two main parts, a theoretical and an applied:
- In the theoretical axis, the trainer simplifies the most important translation theories and the extent of their effectiveness in applying them to different texts.
- In the applied section, a typical text will be chosen to carry out the necessary necessary applications, which are reading and understanding the text and explaining difficult vocabulary, then asking about the text when, how, where, what and why? The last stage comes, which is the stage of transferring the text from the source to the target and then reviewing it for the last
- This course will be delivered virtually via Blackboard through the link HERE.
- This course is offered to all Saudi Electronic University male and female students.
- There is a certificate of attending a 3 credit hours training course.