Saudi Electroic University

An invitation to attend a lecture on: Emotional Intelligence

An invitation to attend a lecture on: Emotional Intelligence

An invitation to attend a lecture on: Emotional Intelligence

An invitation to attend a lecture on: Emotional Intelligence


The Deanship of Admission and Student Affairs invites you to attend a lecture on

"Emotional Intelligence"

presented by Fatima Al-Qadis, Director of Strategic Transformation.

The lecture will be held on Wednesday 25\08\ 1442 07\04\2021

from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.



  1. Emotional intelligence in personal and professional life.
  2. Emotional intelligence in our daily life.
  3. Emotional intelligence and negotiation.
  4. Emotional Intelligence and Change Initiatives.
  5. Leading a difficult team with emotional intelligence.



This lecture will be delivered virtually via Blackboard through the link HERE.

This lecture is presented to all Saudi Electronic University male and female students .