Saudi Electroic University

An invitation to attend a training course on: Creativity in Solving Problems

An invitation to attend a training course on: Creativity in Solving Problems

An invitation to attend a training course on: Creativity in Solving Problems

An invitation to attend a training course on: Creativity in Solving Problems


The Deanship of Admission and Student Affairs, in cooperation with the College of Health Sciences, invites you to attend a training course on

Creativity in Solving Problems

Presented by Amani Shilyan Al-Ghanmi, lecturer in Health Informatics Department- College of Health Sciences.
on Thursday26\08\1442 - 08\04\2021 

from 11:00 AM until 01:00 PM. 



  •  Discovering what is creativity? And how to enhance creative thinking style.
  • Introducing the creativity P4 model and its applications in various fields.
  • Distinguishing between creativity and innovation and the best mechanism for applying each of them in life.
  •  Learn the steps of creative thinking in decision-making.
  •  Defining creative thinking tools such as brainstorming and the Six Thinking Hats and explain the mechanism for applying them in daily life.



  • This course will be delivered virtually via Blackboard through the link HERE.
  • This course is offered to all Saudi Electronic University male and female students
  • There will be a certificate of attending a two hours training course.