Mid-term Exams Schedule for Common First Year Student for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2020\2021

The Deanship of Common First Year is pleased to announced to its students that
Midterm Exams for the second semester
starts on Sunday 14/3/2021
and ends on Wednesday 17/3/2021.
Day | Date | Subject | Time |
Sunday |
01\08\1442 14\03\2021 |
Computer Essential(CS001 ,CS003) |
5:00 - 6:00 pm |
Monday |
02\08\1442 15\03\2021 |
Mathematics (MATH001 , MATH003) |
Tueseday |
03\08\1442 16\03\2021 |
Academic Skills (CI 001 , CI 003) |
Wednasday |
04\08\1442 17\03\2021 |
Communication Skills (COMM 001 , COMM 003) |
- The Deanship of First Common Year encourages all students to observe the scheduled times.
- All learning is suspended during the week including English Language classes.
We wish all the best