Saudi Electroic University

An invitation to attend a course on: Basics of Communication at Work

An invitation to attend a course on: Basics of Communication at Work

An invitation to attend a course on: Basics of Communication at Work

An invitation to attend a course on: Basics of Communication at Work


The Deanship of Admissions and Student Affairs invites you to attend a training course

Basics of Communication at Work

Presented by Ms. Makiya Majrashi, a certified trainer and member of Motaafi Association.

The session will be on Saturday, June 12, 2021, from 12:30 PM to 03:30 PM.


Course Focus:

- Human relations skills to thrive anywhere.

- How to form closer and more meaningful relationships based on trust and respect.

- Increasing confidence and efficiency in interacting with others.



- The course credit hours is (3) training hours, provided directly via Blackboard, for attendees (HERE).

- This course is offered to all male and female students of the Saudi Electronic University.

- There will be a certificate of attending.