The Availability of Academic Jobs for Saudis Only

To be a Saudi .
To have the required academic qualification for degree from an accredited university.
To obtain bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees with a "very good" over all assessment or above.
To have Master's and PhD degree as an extension of his specialization in the Bachelor's degree.
The applicants to the Faculty of Health Sciences are exempted from the requirement of extension of the specialization. The applicant must be in the fields of health sciences, health informatics, health administration or one of its branches. Graduates of a bachelor's degree can be accepted from an accredited university in one of the following majors: , Microbiology, biochemistry, medical physics, health management).
The applicants to the Faculty of Health Sciences must be classified by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.
To be fluent in English. Applicants to the departments of Law and Electronic Media must complete the IELTS test with a score of 4.5 or its equivalent in English proficiency test (STEP) and must not have been more than two years old. The Arabic Language Department is excluded from this requirement .
To pass the personal interview and the tests conducted by the scientific department.
To pass the Blackboard test prepared by the university.
Incomplete applications will not be processed and will not be answered.
Applicants can apply to the announced positions only to one branch of the university and not all branches.
These positions are subject to competition within each branch and cannot be transferred to another branch.
The response will be within two months from the date of the interview.
To view the available specialties (Click here)
* Applications will be open from Sunday, 13 / 07 / 1441 AH - 08 / 03 / 2020 AD at 8:30 am.
and ending on Wednesday, 17 / 07 / 1441 AH - 12 / 03 / 2020 AD at 2:00 pm.
You can apply through SEU portal by click on the link: