Frequently Asked Questions
What is Blackboard system?
The Blackboard system is a Learning information management system, follow-up of students and monitoring the efficiency of the educational process in the educational institution (Subject-Based System). The system allows great opportunities for students to communicate with the course outside the class, anywhere and at any time through this electronic system which provides a variety of tools to view the content, scientific material for the courses and interact with them in an easy ways, as well as communicate with the instructor and other students enrolled in the same course with a variety of electronic means.
It consists of tools and methods, which allows faculty members to build dynamic and interactive courses very easily with this content management courses in a flexible way, to do everyday tasks of the educational process effectively.
The system allows instructor to build integrated electronic courses, put notes, outline of the content, tasks, and announcements. Also it can view midterms exams, final exams and results. The system allows direct communication with students through the windows of dialogue and targeted e-mails and generalized. It could be linked with other e-learning systems and allows students and instructor to interact with these systems and in an integrated manner.
How to login to the Blackboard?
• Access to this
• Enter the email address
• password is that was sent to you via email
When refused Login to the Blackboard system what I do?
• Make sure that the keyboard writing language is English.
• Enable pop-ups in your browser.
• Update your browser to the latest version
How to change your personal information in Blackboard?
For changing your name in Blackboard we hoped you to communicate with Registration.
How to Login in recorded lectures (session)?
The entry way to the recorded lectures is by clicking the courses then choose your course, for example:
The left of the screen of Fundamentals of Math is the word instruction where you can see videotaped lecture.
How to submit homework in the Blackboard system?
Access (course menu).
Open Assignment.
Read the Assignment instruction or download if required.
Do the Assignment.
Attach the file from (bowers my computer)
Click (submit).
I can't find an assignment, test, or some other piece of course content.
Contact your instructor.
Your instructor controls the availability of tests, assignments, and other content. Sometimes your instructor has put conditions on releasing content. For example, you might have to mark a lecture as reviewed before you can access the assignment.
I sent an email to my instructor. Where is it?
Blackboard Learn keeps no record of sent email. When you send an email message, you receive a copy of your email in the Inbox of your external email account. Keep a copy of important messages in case you need them at a later date.
How do I know if I have email?
تستطيع الطباعه من امر الطباعه الموجود في متصفح الانترنت ، يختلف امر الطباعه من متصفح لآخر. و غالبا ما تستطيع ايجاد امر الطباعه في قائمة عند النقر بالزر الأيمن للماوس في الصفحة المراد طباعتها.
How do I change my email address?
You can't change your e-mail.
I can't see the YouTube videos in help.
Make sure you are using the latest version of Adobe Flash.
How do I print something from Blackboard Learn?
Because Blackboard Learn is web-based, printing is handled through whatever internet browser you are using. Sometimes you can right-click the area that you want to print and look for a message similar to "Print This Frame." Most browsers have a Help option that can explain more about printing.
If the course content is an attached file, such as a Word document, you can open the document and print it from that program.
How to change the password in the Blackboard system?
To change the password, you must follow the following steps:
Go to
And follow the steps
How to change the language in the Blackboard system?
The user in Blackboard system can change the language from Arabic to English and vice versa by following these steps:
1 –From the top of the page choose my places.
2 -From my preferences choose personal information.
3 - From personal information choose change your personal settings.
4- From determine language choose the user language pack.
5 – Submit.
How to change Blackboard password?
To Re password follow these steps:
Course menu - Tools - Blackboard IM you will move to another page then select change password
Click on the forgot password, the window will appear, Enter your university email and then submit.
you will receive the details, follow instructions
How to enter the virtual classroom?
To access virtual classrooms follow these steps:
1- Click on the Course
2 – For example: COMMUNICATION3-S-S1-2012 communication skills - Virtual Classroom
3 - From course menu click on Tools
4- Click on the Blackboard Collaborate
5- Click on the recording
6 - We search for the recording by select a date start and end of the registry
7- Click Go
8 – Click a registry that shows to you
When I have problem with my university email (outlook) what can I do?
For the university e-mail we hope you to communicate with this link
I want to access Blackboard from my iPhone, iPad, or other mobile device.
You can access Blackboard Learn on any mobile device by typing the arabic online program web address in a browser. Blackboard Learn does not support the default browser on some mobile devices, such as the iPad. For a list of supported browsers and operating systems, see Browser Support.
Can I access to math book through smart devices or tablet?
No, you can access just through PC or laptop.
For more information Please type your question in the search field after selecting your language in the page below:
Blackboard Help