Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors
Editorial Procedure

Papers must present scientific results that are essentially new. They have to be written in English using either American or British spelling throughout. Authors who have difficulty with English should obtain the assistance of colleagues more proficient in the language in writing their manuscripts.

All manuscripts are subject to peer review. Authors should submit their manuscripts to the Editorial Office online to facilitate even quicker and more efficient processing. Manuscripts that are returned to the authors for revision should be sent back within the deadlines; otherwise they will be considered withdrawn. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned to the authors. Papers that do not conform to the journal norms may be returned to the authors for revision before being considered for publication. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the references.

Suggesting / Excluding Reviewers

Authors to undertake suitable reviews or requests elimination of particular persons when they surrender their manuscripts. Authors need to ensure they make independent choices which are not influenced. Thus, it is integral to have multiple reviewers from various nations. When proposing the reviewers corresponding authors need to provide institutional email address to address every suggested reviewer if not a link to personal homepage, or a link to publication record or authors ID on the submission letter. The author may not use proposition but all proposal are pleasant and could help in peer review procedure.

Types of Papers

AJSE publishes original research articles, invited review articles, technical notes and technical reports that add significantly to the body of knowledge concerning science and engineering.

  • Research Articles

    Full-length Original Articles should include an Abstract (specifying the purpose, methods, results and conclusion), Introduction, Experimental Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Figure Captions, and Tables. Graphics, images and diagrams should be submitted separately in a high-quality original format.

  • Review Articles

    Review articles are intended to provide an updated perspective on a certain subject that could be relevant for the readership of the journal. Review articles should include an abstract. Review articles are by invitation only.

Manuscript Submission

Manuscript Submission

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Online Submission

Please follow the hyperlink “Submit manuscript” below to upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.

Please ensure you provide all relevant editable source files. Failing to submit these source files might cause unnecessary delays in the review and production process.

Submit Manuscript

Sumbit Your Article


Text Formatting

Authors are at liberty to submit their work in any scholarly format or layout design. Thus, it is possible to submit the files either as single or multiple files. The common formats to consider are word, open document format (odt), PDF files or rich text format (rtf). Both tables and figures can be included within text or later submitted as separate files. Figures need to have adequate resolution to easily view the images.
All manuscripts need to have all vital elements to assess a manuscript including authors name, affiliation, keywords, abstract, introduction and later body of the work. Finally conclusions of the work and reference. There are no specific formatting requirements needed on the work.
References can be in any format or referencing style as long as they are regular with in texts reference. It is important to add a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers despite it not being compulsory.
English language used may be either U.S or U.K as long as it is consistently used throughout the work.
Depending on the preferred file format of the original submission, it is essential to provide an editable version of the article which must be supplied at revision stage.

The Title

Title needs to be informative and concise.

Authors’ information

 . Name of the author(s).
. Institution affiliation of the author (s), department, city, state, country.
. An active email of corresponding author.
. Author(s) 16-digit ORCID.
Address information availed with affiliation (s) will be published. Authors who are temporarily unaffiliated only their cities and nation of residence will be published and not their email unless upon request.


An abstract of about 150 to 250 words on the work is necessary. The abstract should only contain specified references and defined abbreviations.


For indexing purpose give 4 to 6 keywords.


Use decimal system on the headings but not extra than three levels.


Abbreviations need to be first state and it is important to use them consistently throughout the work.


Footnotes can be used by the authors to offer additional information. But it is important to also provide citations or a reference to be included in the reference list. But do not include bibliographic particulars of a reference. Also no figures or tables should be included. Footnotes need to be numbered consecutively; the footnotes with the tables need to have asterisks for significant values or any other statistical data. Moreover, footnotes to the title or authors are not specified on reference symbols.
Use footnotes in place of endnotes.

References and Citations

All entries in the reference list are to be cited in the manuscript and all sources cited in the manuscript (except for personal communications and unpublished manuscripts) are to be listed in the references.

Citations are mentioned chronologically in the main body of the text, using any identical style:

For example…(Smith et al. 1968; Jones 1992a, 2001; Hansen & Smith 1999). or [1], [2], [3-5]

In the reference list sources are ordered alphabetically. Non-English letters (e.g., Ø, Å and Æ) are alphabetized like their nearest English equivalents (e.g., O, A and Ae).

Each reference should be as complete as possible; superfluous information will be weeded out during editing.

Include DOI numbers where available.

Submitted manuscripts are not required to follow a specific reference style. Author can used any identical reference style. However, upon acceptance, authors will be provided with detailed instructions regarding JSEUD reference style and will be required to revise their reference lists accordingly, before the manuscript is edited, copyedited and typeset. Authors who would like to apply JSEUD style to their Reference section before submission are invited to contact the Chief Editor for detailed instructions.


All tables need to be numbers by use of Arabic numerals.
Tables need to be cited in text in a subsequent numerical number.
On every table use a table caption (title) while at same time explaining components of the table.
Recognize all published materials with provision of original source as a reference form at the end of the table caption.
Footnotes used on the table need to be indicated by superscript lower-case letters and added beneath the tables’ body

Artwork and Illustrations Guidelines

Figure Lettering

To make an addition to the lettering it is preferred to make use of Arial or Helvetica (Sans serif fonts).
It is essential to keep lettering constantly sized all through final-sized artwork often about 2–3 mm (8–12 pt).
The variation of different type’s size need to be minimized and ensure not to use 8-pt type on an axis and 20-pt type for the axis label.
Avoid making use of outline letters or shading.
In your illustrations do not comprise titles or captions.

Figure Numbering

All figures need to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
Figures need to be cited in text in a subsequent order.
Figure parts need to be indicated by lowercase letter (a, b, c etc).
In the appendix on your work it may have one or more figures while maintaining subsequent numbering. Do not number appendix figures, like "A1, A2, A3, etc." Figures in online appendices need to be numbered in a separate manner.

Figure Captions

It is essential for all figures to have a concise caption that explains in detail the figure. It is important to contain the caption in the text file used on the manuscript and not figure file.
Figure captions need to use terminology Fig in bold followed by figure number also in bold.
After figure number no need to have punctuation.
Correctly recognize all elements used on the figure in the figure caption such as circles or boxes.
Identify all previous published material by offering origin source as a reference citation at the bottom of the figure caption.

Figure Placement and Size

Figures need to be submitted separate from the text if possible.
Ensure the figures are sized to fit on the column width.
Large-sized journals approve figures of about 84 mm (for double-column text areas), or 174 mm (for single-column text areas) wide but not higher than 234 mm.
Small-sized journals need to be 119 mm wide and not higher than 195 mm.


In case you use a figure that is already published in another place, ensure you gain permission from copyright owner(s) for both print and online format. Some publishers do not award electronic rights for free of charge.
To ensure all individual of all abilities and disabilities have access to your content. Make sure
All figures have expressive caption for the blind use a text-to-Braille hardware.
Use Patterns or colors to convey information, this will allow color blind persons to distinguish different elements.
Any form lettering has a distinction ratio of at least 4.5:1

English Language Editing

In order to ensure editors and reviewers precisely assess the work ensure your manuscript has good grammer. For those in need of English help consider the following:
Request a native English speaker to re-examine the manuscript.
Undertake an English language tutorial to check common mistakes when writing the manuscript.
Consult professional language editing services who will improve the manuscript wit identification of all problems that need review for instance American Journal Experts or Nature Research Editing Services.

Fundamental Errors

Authors are tasked to make corrections on any identified errors or inaccuracy on published articles. The authors can make direct contact with the journal and explain the noted error and its influence on the article. Based on the nature of the error it determines the procedure decisions to correct the error could be done via a modification or withdrawal. Retraction note used to avail transparency on different parts of the article which are affected by the error.

Conflicts of Interest / Competing Interests

Authors are mandated to make any declarations which are either directly or indirectly linked to the work submitted for publication. Reports need to be made on all interests within the last three years at the onset of the work while undertaking research until preparation for submission. Additional interests outside the three year timeframe need to be disclosed if they are considered to be influential to the submitted work. Preference to undertake disclosure is to provide readers with an opportunity to make own judgment. But this does not mean financial relationship with the sponsor should be hidden.

Below is information that needs to be disclosed.
Funding: research grants from all funding agencies need to be availed both research funder and grant number. Also any availed research support by firms that will potentially achieve or lose with publication of the manuscript.

Employment: need to be displayed either present or anticipated which may impact either positively or negatively the organization with the publication of the manuscript. This includes multiple affiliations (if applicable).
Financial Interests: Shares or stocks of firms that may either gain or lose based on publication of the manuscripts need to be identified. It is a challenge to identify the threshold where financial interest is important any figure is considered arbitrary. To be safe the author needs to avoid any form of embracement by making necessary declarations.
Non-Financial Interests: authors are tasked to make further discloses on impact of the tasks such as influence on personal belief, personal relationships or professional interests. For instance, position on the editorial board, advisory board, type of management relationships, expert witness, educational purpose and mentoring relations among others.
All primary research articles need to have a disclosure statement. For instance, all review articles introduces a form of expert synthesis which is often considered an authoritative work on respective topics. Thus, all review articles need to have disclosure statements. Articles such as comments, book reviews and editorials also required disclosure statements. If you are not certain your article need a disclosure statement kindly contact Editor-in-chief.
In addition to the requirements outlined above often funding information remains to be a possible conflict of interest and need to be disclosed upon submission of the manuscript in the peer review system. The information will be added to Record of CrossMark automatically but not on the manuscript itself. Thus, funding information needs to be added on the ‘Declarations’ section.

Summary of requirements

The above discussed information needs to be summarized in a statement and added to the ‘Declarations’ section before the reference list below a heading ‘Conflicts of interests’ and or ‘Funding’ or ’Competing interests’. Other declarations that need to be made by the author are consent, ethics approval, code availability, material and authors input statements.
Below are various instances of wording below and modify the example statement in accordance to own needs.
If all authors have similar or no conflicts then it is permitted to use blanker statement.

Instance of statements used when authors do not have anything to declare:

The authors do not have non-financial interest or relevant financial information.
There is not conflict of interest registered among authors which is relevant to the submitted work.
Authors are held accountable for all statement made on the manuscript. Also consider Authorship Principles. Also, Editor-in-Chief makes reserve right to reject on submissions that do not meet all guidelines identified in this segment.

After acceptance

While the work is at the production phase, there are concerns that need to be clarified and later receive needed articles proofs.
Copyright transfer
Authors will be required to make a transfer of copyright of the article to publisher or give published restricted publication rights. The intent is to avail protection under copyright law.

Offprints can be well-ordered by the equivalent author.

Color Illustrations

Publication of color design is free.

Proof Reading

The aim of proof reading is verification of any conversion errors or typesetting and ensures there is clarity and completeness of the text, figures and tables. Considerable change on the contented should not be added to the manuscript unless the editor approves.
Once online publication has been made additional changes can be made in form of Erratum which is hyperlinked to the editorial.

Online First

Upon receipt of corrected proofs the article will be published online. This is identified as the official first publication citable with DOI. Once the printed version has been released it then possible to site with issue and page numbers.