Deanship of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation - Unified Regulations For Scientific Research

Unified Regulations For Scientific Research

Unified Regulations For Scientific Research

Unified Regulations For Scientific Research

  • Article (1): Definitions: The expressions mentioned in these Regulations shall have the meanings set forth below:
  1. Scientific research: Achievement that depends on the foundations of scientific recognized, and is the result of individual efforts or joint efforts or both.
  2. Principal Investigator: is the faculty member, or similar, who represents the group involved in the research and supervises and manages the group.
  3. Co-researcher: is a member of the faculty or who is similar, who is partnering with a group of researchers to complete the study of a topic.
  4. Arbitrator Examiner: is a faculty member or expert who is charged with examining and studying scientific production.
  5. References: is a member of the teaching staff or similar or an expert who is assigned to review scientific production.
  6. Counselor: A member of the faculty or similar or an expert assigned by the research center competent to provide consulting services or studies.


  • Article (2): The research conducted in universities aims at enriching knowledge in all useful fields, in particular the following:
  1. Highlighting the Islamic curriculum and its achievements in the history of civilization and humanities.
  2. Collecting, maintaining, cataloging, investigating and facilitating Arab and Islamic heritage and facilitating it to researchers
  3. Providing scientific advice and developing scientific and practical solutions to the problems facing society through research and studies required by governmental or private entities.
  4. Transfer, localize, participate in the development and adaptation of modern technology to suit local conditions for development purposes.
  5. Linking scientific research with the objectives of the university and development plans, and avoiding duplication, repetition and benefiting from previous studies.
  6. Developing a generation of distinguished Saudi researchers and training them to conduct original high-level research by involving graduate students, lecturers  and research assistants in the implementation of scientific research.
  7. Upgrading university and higher education.


  • Article (3): Motivate researchers, faculty and students to conduct original and innovative researches that contribute to enrich the specialized knowledge and serve the community, and provide ways to accomplish, and benefit from them and universities as well :
  1. Disseminating the results of scientific research in local and international publishing vessels, and providing means of scientific documentation to facilitate the tasks of researchers.
  2. Cooperate with scientific and research bodies and institutions inside and outside the Kingdom through conducting research and exchanging knowledge and experience.
  3. Finding ways and channels to encourage individuals and institutions to support and fund research projects to enhance the role of the University.
  4. To provide modern means of communication and the latest scientific publications of periodicals, books and others.
  • Article (4): A Deanship of Scientific Research shall be established in each university under the name of the Deanship of Scientific Research.


  • Article (5): The Deanship of Scientific Research shall have a council under the name of "Deanship of Scientific Research Council" consisting of:
  1. Dean of Scientific Research as Chairman
  2. Dean of Graduate Studies Member
  3. The deputy (s) of the Deanship of Scientific Research are members and one of them is the Secretariat of the Council
  4. The number of directors of research centers shall not be more than five selected by the University Council on the recommendation of the Rector members.
  5. A number of distinguished professors in the field of scientific research from the university faculty members shall not be more than seven appointed by the University Council for a period of two years, renewable on the recommendation of the Rector. The Council shall convene, take its decisions and adopt them in accordance with the provisions of Article (35) of the Council of Higher Education and Universities.
  • Article (6): Notwithstanding the duties of the Scientific Council, the College Councils and the Councils of the Departments, the Council of the Deanship of Scientific Research shall have the following competencies:
  1. Proposing the yearly research plan of the university and preparing the necessary draft budget for submission to the scientific council.
  2. Proposing the regulations, rules and procedures governing the scientific research movement in the university.
  3. Approving research projects and studies and following up their implementation, arbitration and disbursement according to the rules governing this.
  4. Proposing means of organizing and cooperating with various research centers outside the University.
  5. Coordinate work between the research centers at the university, work to eliminate duplication in its performance, and encourage joint research between departments and colleges to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of available materials.
  6. To recommend the approval of publishing the researches after arbitration according to the rules of arbitration and publishing at the university
  7. Encouraging faculty members and other researchers and urging them to conduct innovative scientific research, and to provide them with the means and research capabilities, especially those who are full-time scientific, and enable them to finish their research in an appropriate scientific atmosphere.
  8. Organize the process of contacting research centers outside the university, local and foreign, and develop cooperation with them to benefit from all that is new.
  9. Establishing an information base for current and completed research at the university and exchanging research information with universities and other research centers.
  10. J - Studying the yearly report and the final account of the scientific research activity in the university in preparation for the submission of the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.
  11. Supervision and follow-up of research funded by other sectors outside the university that fall within its competence.
  12. Forming specialized committees from among its members or from others as needed.
  13. Studying what is referred by the Rector or Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.
  • Article (7): The Dean of Scientific Research shall be responsible for the management of financial, administrative and technical affairs related to scientific research at the University in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. In particular, he/she shall have the following duties:
  1. Supervising the preparation of the yearly research plan of the university and the necessary budget for submission to the Deanship Council.
  2. Disbursement from the budget of the established research within the limits of the financial powers delegated to it.
  3. Technical and administrative supervision of the various activities of the Deanship, and the development of plans, programs of work, and follow-up implementation.
  4. Supervising the work of the research centers associated with the Deanship of Scientific Research, following up their activities and evaluating their performance.
  5. Cooperating and coordinating with local research institutes and centers inside and outside the university, liaising with research institutions and foreign research centers and harnessing what can be used to modernize and develop the scientific research movement and technology in the university.
  6. Coordinate with the Deanship of Graduate Studies in everything related to the completion of research graduate students, and work to provide the capabilities and research means to finish their research, or scientific messages.
  7. Follow-up and work to provide the necessary financial resources to spend on research funded from the university budget or from sectors outside the university.
  8. Recommend contracting researchers, staff and technicians for specific periods on the budget of research projects supervised by the Deanship.
    1. Evaluating the performance of the staff of the Deanship and reporting them to the University Administration.
  9. Preparing the draft budget of the Deanship and the annual report in preparation for submission to the Deanship Council.


  • Article (8): Each Deanship Research Center is managed by:
  1. The Council of the Center.
  2. B - Director of the Center. Each within its specialization.  


  • Article (9): The Center Council shall be formed as follows:
  1. The Director of the Center, who has the presidency of the Council, and is appointed by the Saudi faculty members by a decision of the President of the University based on the nomination of the Dean of Scientific Research and the support of the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research for a renewable period of two years, and is treated financially as head of the Department.
  2. B - The number of distinguished faculty members in scientific research must not be more than five appointed by the Rector on the nomination of the Dean of Scientific Research and the support of the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research for two years.


  • Article (10): The Council of the Center shall consider all matters related to it and, in particular:.
  1. Propose the yearly research plan and prepare the necessary budget for it.
  2. Studying the research projects of faculty members, and following up their implementation.
  3. Study of research projects, studies that are required from outside the university and the selection of researchers, and follow-up implementation, and propose rewards to those in accordance with the rules governing this.
  4. recommend disbursement from the established research budget within the terms of reference.
  5. Study the annual report, the final account and the draft budget of the Center and submit it to the competent authority.
  6. Studying what is referred to it by the Council of the Deanship of Scientific Research.


  • Article (11): The Director of the Research Center shall have the following competencies:
  1. Supervising and following up the research work of the faculty members and assistants of researchers, including direct supervision of the administrative and technical staff of the Center.
  2. Contacting with scientific departments, and motivate faculty members to research, and coordination between their research projects, and provide means and capabilities to help prepare, and disseminate as efficiently as possible.
  3. Contacting and coordinating with other research centers inside and outside the university in all matters related to the nature of research that is prepared under the supervision of the center or that will be prepared for the benefit of entities outside the university.
  4. Prepare the draft of the annual budget of the Center's activities, in preparation for submission to the Council of the Center, and then submitted to the competent authority at the university.
  5. Prepare the annual report on the Center's activities and submit it to the competent authority.


  • Article (12): Spending on research funded by the university from its budget, whether at the initiative of the researcher or the competent scientific authorities in accordance with the approved plan, and the procedures governing it by the Scientific Council within the limits of the following maximum amounts:
  1. A reward of 1,200 SR per month shall be paid to the Principal Investigator of Ph.D. holders, and  1,000 SR per month to each of the faculty participants and similar PhD holders during the basic period specified in the research plan.
  2. The researcher assistant from the (Master) Campaign shall pay a reward of (30 SR) thirty riyals per hour, not exceeding (800) eight hundred riyals per month, during the basic period specified in the research plan and not more than three assistants.
  3. A reward of (25 SR) twenty five riyals for one hour, not exceeding (600) six hundred riyals per month, shall be paid to the assistant researcher of the university degree during the basic period specified in the research plan.
  4. A research assistant for undergraduate students, technicians, or professionals shall be given a reward of (20 SR) twenty riyals per hour, not exceeding (400) four hundred riyals per month during the basic period specified in the research plan.
  5. The consultant shall be paid from inside the city a reward of (500 SR) five hundred riyals for each day of consultation, provided that the total amount he/she receives in one year shall not exceed (7000) seven thousand riyals.
  6. The consultant from outside the city shall be paid a reward of (1000 SR) thousand riyals for each day, a comprehensive consultation for accommodation and subsistence, provided that the total amount he/she receives in one year does not exceed (14000) fourteen thousand riyals and a ticket shall be paid (round trip)
  7. A consultant from outside the Kingdom shall be paid a reward of (2000 SR) thousand riyals for each day including consultation and subsistence, provided that the total amount spent in one year shall not exceed (20,000 SR) twenty thousand riyals and a ticket shall be paid (round trip).
  8. The remuneration referred to above shall not be paid if the researcher is vacant for work in scientific research.


  • Article (13): The Rector may assign some Saudi faculty members to prepare researches or studies for special purposes that do not fall within the publishing programs at the university, provided that the reward of one researcher should not exceed (10000) ten thousand riyals for each research and submit a report to the Head of the University Council at the end Every academic year.


  • Article (14): It is permissible to provide the necessary services for researches and studies carried out by the researcher on his own initiative for the purposes of publication or promotion and not included in the approved research plan.


  • Article (15): Research supported financially by governmental research institutions, or other be carried out in accordance with the regulations issued by these institutions, provided that the Scientific Council on the recommendation of the Deanship of Scientific Research rules governing implementation.


  • Article (16): Subject to the provisions of the regulations governing the affairs of Saudi university staff members and similar, the University Council shall, upon the proposal of the Scientific Council, lay down the rules and procedures governing the research carried out by the faculty member during his academic leave.


  • Article (17): Prizes and incentives may be granted annually to distinguished researchers. The University Council shall determine on the recommendation of the Scientific Council the number of such awards, awards, selection criteria and method.


  • Article (18): Encouragement prizes for outstanding researches may be awarded yearly. The University Council shall, upon the recommendation of the Scientific Council, determine the number of awards and selection criteria according to the following:
  1. The research should be original and innovative and should not have been published more than two years ago.
  2. The research should have been done at the university and subject to the arbitration system in force.
  3. The researcher should not have been awarded with another prize before.
  4. The research should not be derived from PhD or master's theses.


  • Article (19): Each award consists of a certificate of appreciation and a financial reward not exceeding twenty thousand riyals determined by the University Council on the recommendation of the Scientific Council, and may participate in the award more than one researcher, in which case the reward is distributed equally among them.


  • Article (20): The Scientific Council shall set the rules governing the mechanism of nomination and applying for these awards and rewards offered by the university or those announced by other scientific bodies or institutions.


  • Article (21): The production submitted for publication at the University shall include the following:
  1. Scientific Theses.
  2. Scientific research.
  3. Methodological textbooks.
  4. Books and references.
  5. Translators from references and textbooks, or others
  6. Scientific encyclopedias, dictionaries.
  7. what the scientific council is suitable for publication, and consistent with the objectives of the university.


  • Article (22): After the approval of the scientific council, it is permissible to publish some master and PhD's theses in which their publication is of general scientific interest or related to the development objectives in the Kingdom.


  • Article (23): If the letter is written in a foreign language and the Scientific Council considers it important to publish it in Arabic, the Council shall decide a financial reward for its translation.


  • Article (24): For the purpose of publishing, it may consider publishing letters approved by other universities inside or outside the Kingdom if they serve the objectives of the university.


  • Article (25): The author of the thesis is given a reward of (8000) eight thousand riyals for the publication of the master's thesis, and a reward of (15000) fifteen thousand riyals for the publication of PhD thesis.


  • Article (26): The Scientific Council shall consider the production submitted to it for publication in the name of the university in search, author, translation or investigation, provided that it is coordinated with the objectives of the university and characterized by authenticity.


  • Article (27): The Scientific Council shall lay down the detailed rules and regulations for publishing any of the elements of scientific production mentioned in Article (21) of these regulations.


  • Article (28): The production submitted for publication shall be subject to arbitration by at least two specialists. The Scientific Council shall lay down the rules and detailed procedures for the system of arbitration, examination and review.


  • Article (29): The authors, investigators, and translators shall be paid a bonus estimated by the Scientific Council based on the arbitrators' reports according to the subject of the book, its scientific value, and its efforts, provided that the reward shall not exceed (50,000) fifty thousand riyals for each book.


  • Article (30): The rewards of authoring, translation of encyclopedias books shall be determined in accordance with the plan and the procedures approved by the Scientific Council, provided that the reward of each shall not exceed fifty thousand (50,000) riyals.


  • Article (31): A remuneration not exceeding (2000) two thousand riyals shall be paid to anyone who is charged with examining or arbitrating books written, verified or translated from inside or outside the university for one book.


  • Article (32): A reward not exceeding (2000) two thousand riyals per book for linguistic correctors for the book published by the university.


  • Article (33): Anyone who participates in the arbitration and examination of the scientific production submitted for promotion to a scientific degree shall be paid a reward not exceeding (500) five hundred riyals for each research and no more than (3000) three thousand riyals for the whole scientific production submitted.


  • Article (34): The owner of the production submitted for publication must correct printing experiences and prepare full catalogs, and the owner of the production is given one hundred copies of what the university prints to him.


  • Article (35): In case of translated production, the following conditions shall be considered:
  1. the translated  work should be of scientific or practical feasibility.
  2. The translated work shall be evaluating  by one or more reviewers.
  3. The translator and the reviewer should be proficient in the two languages ​​of the translated from  and the translated to languages.
  4. The translator shall observe the auditor 's observations and proposed amendments.
  5. Obtain the right of translation and publication from the concerned authorities before commencing.


  • Article (36): The right of publication shall be considered as a waiver from the author of his right to print the book he has written, achieved or translated for a period of five years from the date of approval of the Scientific Council for printing.


  • Article (37): When reprinting works published by the University, the owners shall be treated as follows:

(A) If the works are part of scientific projects that have been expended by the University, or have purchased their copyrights permanently, or have been completed by professors who have been emptied by the University for completion, the owners have no new financial rights at the time of reprinting.

  1. Workbooks that were prepared by the owners and the university bought their publishing rights will be paid - upon reprint - a reward not exceeding what was paid to them at the first time.


  • Article (38): The University reserves the right to republish its publications for a period of five years. If the production owner adds something important to the edition, the Scientific Council shall estimate a special reward for what he added after his license from the arbitrator (examiner( .


  • Article (39): Five years after the approval of the Scientific Council to print the production, the right of its republication shall be fully transferred to its owner or heirs., in case of republishing; it has to be through an agreement with the university.


  • Article (40): The Scientific Council may consider re-publishing a product that has not been published by the University before or run out if it is of special scientific value.


  • Article (41): Scientific journals in the university shall be issued by a decision of the university council upon the recommendation of the scientific council.



  • Article (42): The University Council appoints the editorial board on the proposal of the Scientific Council, and the appointment for a period of two years, renewable, provided that the scientific degree of its president and members of the "Associate Professor."


  • Article (43): The editorial board has a moral responsibility for what is published in the magazine.


  • Article (44): Researches and articles shall not be published in the university journals unless they are authorized for publication by two specialized judgments provided that at least one of them should be from outside the university.


  • Article (45): The Scientific Council grants an estimated annual reward to the editorial board of each magazine in the amount of (5000) five thousand riyals to the editor-in-chief, and (3000) three thousand riyals for each member of the editorial board.


  • Article (46): It is permissible to pay a reward of (1000) thousand riyals for those who are consulted by the university magazines in return for publishing the scientific researches in it.


  • Article (47): A reward not exceeding (500) five hundred riyals for the examination of research submitted for publication in the university journals, research centers, conferences or scientific seminars held by the university. And research project proposals submitted for disguise.