Jeddah Branch

Jeddah Branch

Jeddah Branch

Female Section in Jeddah Branch offered a training course for its employees entitled “Basics of Word Program” for Deanship of Admission and Student Affairs Members.



Ms. Manahil AlQulaity, General Supervisor of Jeddah Branch Assistant, presented a training course for the staff of the Deanship of Admission and Student Affairs entitled “Basics of Word Program”, which aims to implement a Word document in record time, on Thursday  6/24/2021

The course included a number of topics, including: Word basics, text formatting, table formatting, image formatting, and the use of smart powerful tools in Word, which in turn contribute to the quality and efficiency of the Deanship’s outputs using effective tools in record time. 

The Deanship is coordinating and providing more development training courses for all its employees in all fields to prepare them to work in appropriate manner to the requirements of achievement .