Jeddah Branch

Jeddah Branch

Jeddah Branch

Activation of Nabeeh and Weqayah intiative under the slogan “A homeland without Drugs”


In collaboration with the Iradah Center and the Psychology Health department at AlAmal Hospital, and as part of the initiative led by Nabeeh and Weqayah, the SEU Jeddah Student Activities Unit orchestrated a campaign titled "Homeland Without Drugs." The primary objective of this campaign was to heighten awareness about the detrimental effects of drug consumption. The overarching goal is to enhance societal awareness, thereby contributing to the containment of drug proliferation. The campaign aligns with the objectives of the 2030 vision for combating drug abuse, aiming to safeguard students from the perils of substance abuse and cultivate an ambitious generation.

Furthermore, the campaign featured informative shows, the distribution of educational flyers, and an interactive platform where students could seek guidance on quitting drugs. Additionally, efforts were made to acquaint students with the presence of confidential care and rehabilitation centers, designed to support individuals in overcoming drug dependency discreetly while addressing their psychological and societal well-being.