Jeddah Branch

Jeddah Branch

Jeddah Branch

Jeddah branch held an event of #worldAIDSday in collaboration with National AIDS Control Center in Jeddah.


Information and communication unit at Jeddah branch held an event of #worldAIDSday in collaboration with National AIDS Control Center in Jeddah. Mr. Mousa bin Yahya, the supervisor of consultation and checking in AIDS program unit, mentioned that  Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the responsible factor of AIDS where it attacks the immunity cells especially white blood cells of CD4 that is responsible of protecting the body from infections.


Further, he mentioned that common registered cases of AIDS is among young people in which they are targeted for awareness of AIDS directly. Young people can communicate and exchange information and awareness between them in better ways which means that they affect each other better by educating older people and colleagues to change and better their dangerous attitudes towards infections and providing them with valued information to raise their health awareness.


At the end of the event, SEU extended thanks and gratitude for National AIDS Control Center for their efforts.