An invitation to register in training course entitled: The Ethical Hacker (Ethical Hacking)

The Institute of Research and Studies is pleased to invite you to register in: The Ethical Hacker
(Ethical Hacking).
(Ethical Hacking).
Provided by Dr. Mohamad Al-Jarraya, Assistant Professor at the College of Computing and Informatics University Branch Dammam.
The course will be held during 3 days (3 hours / day)], with 9 training hours, as shown in the table below:
Day | Date | Time |
Friday |
16\6\1442 29\1\2021 |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
Saturday |
17\6\1442 30\1\2021 |
Sunday |
18\6\1442 31\1\2021 |
Qualify Trainees to be Certified Ethical Hackers.
Course Theme:
- Introduction to Ethical Hacking.
- ARP Poisoning.
- IP spoofing.
- IP fragmentation.
- Routing and Reverse Path Filtering.
- TCP SYN flooding.
- TCP RST attack.
- TCP Session Hijacking.
- Performing a check for open ports.
- OS Fingerprinting.
- Banner Grabbing.
- SQL injection.
- Hacking Web application.
- Implementing application-level Session Hijacking.
- VPN over Internet layer.
- VPN over Transport layer.
To register in the course, click here.
- The course is available for all (Male & Female).
- The registration fee for the course is 200 riyals.
- The course is offered online.
- Trainees obtain attending certificate approved by SEU.
- For questions and inquiries please contact us via e-mail: