The Basics of Adobe Illustrator Course

The Jeddah branch announces your invitation to attend a training course entitled: The Basics of Adobe Illustrator
Presented by Ms. Afnan S. Alnahdi, a certified trainer and a head of student activities at Jeddah Branch.
The session will be held for two days, start on Tuesday 3/08/2021, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
Course Outline:
- Install the program.
- Familiarize yourself with the program interface.
- Basics of working on the program.
- Opening a new business file.
- Learn about some tools.
- The way of spinning and thinking.
- How to save files.
- Practical application.
- The course will be offered to all male and female students of the Saudi Electronic University.
- This course will be directly virtual via (Blackboard), through the link HERE.
- There will be a certificate of attending.