Saudi Electroic University

Enable “Visiting Student” Service For Summer Semester 1441 AH

Enable “Visiting Student” Service For Summer Semester 1441 AH

Enable “Visiting Student” Service For Summer Semester 1441 AH

Enable “Visiting Student” Service For Summer Semester 1441 AH


Dear students,

The Deanship of Admissions and Student Affairs announces the availability of visiting student service for summer semester 1441 AH.

The service will be closed on Sunday, 08/10/1441 AH - 31/05/2020 AD. (Updated)

Once the college has approved the application, the student will be able to print the letter of approval from the Student Service.The requests will be received alongside the description of the courses to be studied outside the university electronically through the "visiting student" service in Student Services


Important note:

You will not be able to benefit from this service until you pay any late tuition fees if any.


We wish you all the best of luck,,

The Deanship of Admissions and Student Affairs,,