Department of knowledge resources

Reference Management Software

Reference Management Software

Reference Management Software

RefWorks Service:

It is a useful reference management service that helps to manage and organize research references and scientific quotations. To access this service please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Refworks website via the following link:
  2. Click (Create Account).
  3. Enter your SEU email and click (Check).
  4. If your university has a valid subscription, you will get a verification message, and require you to create a new password for your account, and your SEU email will be the username.
  5. You will receive an email from RefWorks contain activation link (your account must be activated before using the service).
  6. After clicking on the activation link, fill in your information.

After you finish all the steps, you are ready to use the Refworks and add your research and references.