Saudi Electroic University

The Launch of New Faculty Training Program.


The Vice Presidency for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research announced the launch of the new faculty training program, which is organized in cooperation with the Vice Presidency for Educational Affairs, Vice Presidency for Planning, Development, Quality and Related Units and Departments.


The training program targets new and newly recruited faculty members or returning from the scholarship. The training program begins on Wednesday, 25 May 2022, and lasts for two days.


The program aims to develop the skills of faculty members in teaching and learning, managing the educational process, and integrated education skills and strategies. Also, it helps the faculty member learn about the different skills associated with the components and characterization of programs and courses. The program also informs new faculty members about the University's services to its staff to benefit from it.


The program includes 4 training sessions in the following areas:

  • Introduction to the University's strategic plan.
  • Introduction to the University's Guidebooks and Regulations.
  • Rights and Duties of the Faculty Member and equivalent.
  • Introduction to the academic advising.
  • Introduction to the academic calendar, services for students.
  • Introduction about blended learning, described essential elements of blended learning, while demonstrating how blended learning improves the educational process.
  • Identify effective practices, methods and approaches for the delivery of educational activities, and appropriate content.
  • The different skills associated with the components and description of the course/program, its concept, its stages and factors influencing planning as an essential component of academic programs.
  • Introduction of required quality files and Tawkeed system.


The Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research explained Dr. Mohammed Abdelrahman Al-Ouwirdi said that the number of beneficiaries of the courses amounted to 190 trainees from the new faculty members. They were divided into six groups; To ensure the quality of training and the maximum utilization of trainees. In addition, he thanked the President of the University, Dr. Lilac Ahmed Safadi, for her continued support of the faculty development training programs that will develop the University's educational process.