College of Computing and Informatics

College of Computing and Informatics

College of Computing and Informatics

Invitation to register Fundamental skills to navigate the dynamic world of artificial intelligence.


Dear CCI students at SEU!

We would like to announce an amazing opportunity that IBM offers you!

IBM and SkillUp Technologies, a training delivery vendor of IBM SkillsBuild, are excited to announce the first-ever cohort for the 4-week journey of Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals in May 2024!

training delivery vendor of IBM SkillsBuild​:

This intensive program will equip you with the fundamental skills to navigate the dynamic world of artificial intelligence.

Through our comprehensive learning plan, you will earn a digital credential and gain practical experience through a capstone project.


Key Program Highlights:

  • Course Start: 27 May
  • Enrolment closing: 24 May
  • Instructor-Led Sessions Begin: 17 June


Benefits for you:

  • Learn from industry experts;
  • Master the art of prompting with artificial intelligence;
  • Earn a valuable digital credential; and
  • Apply new skills through a real-world project.



To register, click HERE

Need more details on the AI PBL Program OR help on enrolling/registering? Please click HERE


Best of luck