Deanship of Student Affairs - SEU announces Admission to Bachelor's Degree for the Second Semester of the year 1442-2021

SEU announces Admission to Bachelor's Degree for the Second Semester of the year 1442-2021

SEU announces Admission to Bachelor's Degree for the Second Semester of the year 1442-2021

SEU announces Admission to Bachelor's Degree for the Second Semester of the year 1442-2021


The Saudi Electronic University announced the opening of admission to study bachelor's degree for male and female graduates of the high school or its equivalent for the second semester of the academic year 1442-2021, starting from Sunday, November 8, 2020, until Sunday, November 15, 2020.

Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Thamer O. Alhussein, indicated that the majors available for admission in the second semester of the academic year 1442-2021 for male and female students in the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences are: E-Commerce and Finance in the University branches: Riyadh, Dammam and Jeddah, and Accounting in Riyadh and Dammam. In addition, he said that admission includes majors in the College of Science and Theoretical Studies, as Law in Riyadh and Jeddah for male and female students while in Dammam, Abha and Qassim for male students only, and Digital Media in Riyadh, Dammam and Jeddah.

He said that the University accepts applicants with high school or its equivalent regardless of the year of graduation and age. Furthermore, the University does not require applicants to bring the results of the abilities and achievement test. The admission is based on a competitive ranking among applicants based on the high school average.

For more information about admission and application procedures and conditions, please visit the official University website: