University Council meets online and reviews reports of Exam Alternatives and the Process of Applying Final Exams
On behalf of His Excellency, the Minister of Education and Chair of the University Council, Dr. Hamad ALsheikh, His Excellency the Rector of Saudi Electronic University, Prof. Ibrahim Almuaiqel, chaired the meeting of the University Council held online on Monday, April 13, 2020. The attendees were the Secretary of Universities Council, Dr. Muhammad Alsaleh, and all the Council members, including University vice-rectors, faculty deans and deans of support deanships.
His Excellency Prof. Almuaiqel welcomed Dr. Alsaleh and the members of the Council and thanked them for the efforts made in these exceptional circumstances that the world is experiencing with the outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID 19), praising what they provided for the continuation of the educational process.
The University Council reviewed detailed reports on the application of exam alternatives, and the progress of the educational process in all colleges of the University and its branches during the previous period. The Rector of the University took into account all the comments received, to achieve the quality in teaching and evaluation according to the latest international tools and practices. This would help to provide an integrated academic environment, which serves the interest of the student and promotes educational outcomes to keep pace with the country's prospects.
In addition, they discussed the proposed mechanisms for applying final exams and how to distribute grades in this exceptional academic semester and made recommendations.