College of Health Sciences

College of Health Sciences

College of Health Sciences

Lecture: We Meet for You


Health Science College represented by Community Service Unit, in cooperation with General Directorate of Health Affairs (Eastern Province), invites you to attend a health awareness lecture entitled: For you , we meet to empower your awareness about breast cancer.

Provided by Dr. Hanan alzahrani, Family medicine specialist.

The lecture will be held on Wednesday 27 October 2021, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

The lecture Will Discuss the Following Issues:

  • What is breast cancer? Some statistics.
  • Risk factors and protective factors.
  • Breast cancer screening population.
  • What is mammogram?
  • Some misconceptions about breast cancer.


  • This lecture is provided to everyone. 
  • The course will be delivered virtually via Blackboard through the link here. 


We wish you continued good health

College of Health Science