An Invitation to participate in design competition for «Hydrogenated Oils»
In line with the requirements of the Saudi Technical Regulations issued by the Food and Drug Administration No. 2483/2018 SFDA.FD (trans fats - fatty acids), which prevents the use of partially hydrogenated oils in the food industry, the College of Health Sciences invites male and female students of the Department of Public Health in all branches to activate their role in spreading community awareness by participating in a targeted competition to highlight these products and demonstrate their impact on health and society.
Competition Terms:
- Infographic or Motion Graphic Design whose content is presented in Arabic.
- Participation must be free of trade names or advertising purposes.
- The design must be submitted no later than Thursday, November 28, 2019.
- Participation is not conditional on a number, as it could by individual or a group.
- Innovation, creativity and non-repetition of ideas.
- The design accuracy must be high.
- Participation in the competition should be with one design only.
Works are sent on the following email
The Winning Design:
- Three winners will be chosen "the first, the second and the third" by an external specialized committee.
- The design will be evaluated according to technical quality, content accuracy and smoothness of the information.
The Contest Award:
- Notarized Certificate from the College of Health Sciences on wining the Awareness Design Competition.
- The Design will be circulated in the social media of the Saudi University.
- Names of the winners will be posted on the Saudi University website.