Dean's Word

Our country is witnessing a great ambition for development and prosperity, in addition to a scientific and economic movement and openness to the world. With the changes in lifestyle and ways of life, development became obligatory in all fields, including higher education. The Saudi Electronic University contributes to this goal by offering a high quality education to all who aspires a quality education. To accelerate the development of this country by the optimal use of technology to serve the learning process and students, the College of Health Science by its turn contributes in promoting development by offering quality programs that serve the labor market, developing the health services sector, and keeping up the global trends in the application of scientific techniques and practices to increase health services quality and efficiency, and therefore, improve health and welfare of the citizens. Every project has a start, but the key of success, excellence, and improvement is achieved through periodic review and development in an effort for the best.
Finally, we ask Allah to help us serve our religion and country, crown efforts to success and achieve all the aspirations.
Dean of CHS
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rahman Al-Muhaidif