Languages and Translation Center

Languages and Translation Center

The translation center at SEU is one of the business centers that handle all official translations of the university, such as (documents, notes, seminars, and conferences). It also supervises translated scientific works in terms of their approval then reviewing, editing, auditing and publishing them. This center is considered the executive body of the Scientific Council regarding scientific publishing and translation.


To be a pioneering and excellent project in locating and allocating knowledge through translation according to international standards.


Enhancing the university’s position in the field of translation and publishing locally and internationally to create a distinguished knowledge society.


  1. Encourage translation at the university, and transfer useful sciences and knowledge in Arabic and English and vice versa.
  2. Encourage   and support Arabization.
  3. Promote cooperation between the University and other well-known publishing and translation centres locally and globally.
  4. Utilizing computer applications, programs, and technologies in translation.
  5. Delivering courses, seminars, and conferences in the field of sciences translation and publishing.
  6. Supervising and proofreading the translation of the university website.
  7. Strengthening partnerships with well-known translation offices and centers nationally and internationally, to enrich the translation systems and technologies used at the center.


The center provides several services according to approved translation standards in cooperation with international expertise houses, which are:

  1. Fulfil University's translation needs of letters, contracts, documents, and all kind of correspondence from Arabic to English and vice versa.
  2. Translation of research papers, studies, presentations and administrative reports within the university from Arabic to English and vice versa, noting that the content approval will be from the sender and not the centre.
  3. Translation of parts of references, books, and other sources needed by the university to prepare specific scientific research and studies.
  4. Providing interpretation services for the visiting foreign delegation.
  5. Supervising the translation of the university website and official social media.
  6. Create archiving and information system.
  7. Establishing a library of dictionaries, glossaries, and database of translators for all living languages to be an approved reference for students and researchers.
  8. Launching a specialized program to translate lectures for students.
  9. Receiving requests to translate and publish books, researches and courses, to be submitted to the authority concerned with evaluation and selection, such as the arbitration committee at the center, which includes specialized faculty members, until it reaches the approval of the (Scientific Council) at the university.
  10. Obtain the translation and publishing permission from the original author and publishing houses, and to ensure that the translated copy conforms to the standards and regulations of the university.
  11. Publishing scientific works issued by scientific conferences and seminars organized by the university, in addition to master’s and PHD’s theses after approval.
  12. Include the most living foreign languages into the translation services, in addition to English.
  13. Organizing conferences, courses, and workshops related to translation and publishing.
  14. Expanding in translation services to include beneficiaries from outside the university.
  15. Preparing a time plan to translate courses, references, and researches.
  16. Translate letters, circulars, advertisements for the university, and the contents of the website for all departments.

Center Contact

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Postel Code : 11673

Tell : 0112613789

fax : 0112613785