Artificial Intelligence Center

Artificial Intelligence Center

Artificial Intelligence is a revolution in the business world, and it is not a single technology, but a collection of technologies that use data to release smart values across industries and business functions.

The center provides services, solutions, and products to help organizations in various sectors apply the latest artificial intelligence technologies by solving the present complex problems and customizing artificial intelligence applications to make a positive future impact and encourage innovation.




Achieving excellence in knowledge creation, transfer and use of artificial intelligence to drive economic growth, and establish the university’s position as a leading center for the artificial intelligence community.


Launching and strengthening the potential of collaborative and development research among various disciplines in the field of artificial intelligence, preparing competencies with abundant knowledge and board experiences for the development of the technological sector and launching innovative projects, and consolidating the university’s position as a leading center for the artificial intelligence community.


  1. Support the Kingdom’s effort in laying the foundations for a knowledge economy based on artificial intelligence and ensuring its sustainability.
  2. Ensure that the various sectors and public institutions are provided with the human cadres, skills, and resources that guarantee them the optimal position within their category in the fields of using artificial intelligence.
  3. Attracting the best talents and efficiencies in artificial intelligence locally and globally.
  4. Excellence in artificial intelligence research and develop its effective uses in various business fields in cooperation with industrial and public institutions in order to improve the potential for innovation, productivity, and growth.
  5. Contribute in supporting innovation and start-up companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The center provides a range of advisory and training services according to international standards and in cooperation with international expertise houses, the most important are:

  • A methodology for assessing readiness to apply artificial intelligence solution.
  • Smart virtual assistant programs.
  • Certified solutions for document understanding.
  • Internal audit solutions for artificial intelligence (AUDITMAP).
  • Market information platform.
  • Compliance and risk management and economic crime.
  • Predictive Geographic Information System.
  • Advanced and developed the artificial intelligence solutions.
  • Video analytics and facial recognition.
  • Artificial intelligence solutions for startups and venture capital firms.

Certified Certificate

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner



Center Contact

E-mail :

Postel Code : 11673

Tell : 0112613789

fax : 0112613785