Dr. Gokulkumari Govindasamy
Associate Professor- Saudi Electronic University
- g.govindasamy@seu.edu.sa
Academic Qualification
- PhD - Management Sciences Anna University - India.
- MBA Human Resource and Marketing Anna University - India.
- M.Tech Information Technology Punjabi University - India.
- MBA Systems Madurai Kamarajar University - India.
- B.E Computer Science and Engineering Manonmaniam Sundaranar University - India.
- Associate Professor 2013- Till date.
- Assistant Professor 2009-2013.
- Sr.Lecturer 2006-2009.
Membership of Boards and Committees
- International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management.
- Global Journal of Marketing Management and Research.
- International journal of Business Administration and Management.
- International Journal of Operations Management and Information Technology.
- International Journal of Management and International Business Studies.
- Global Journal of Business Management and Information Technology.
- Computers and Electrical Engineering.
- Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing.
- International Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies in Education Research & Technology.
Membership of Scientific Organizations
- 1MTC-Global.
- Exclusive Management Group.
- National HRD Network.
Scientific Publishing
- “A Study and Analysis Of Perception In Implementing Biometric Security” International Conference on Information and Convergence Technology for Smart Society (ICICTS 2015) Bangkok, Thailand. ISSN 2383 9279 Vol.1 No.1, pp. 117 to 120 - International Conference - Jan 21-24, 2015.
- “A Perceptual Study of Biometric Authentication and its Implementation” Referred Journal -Journal of Exclusive Management Science – October 2014 -Vol 3 Issue 10 – ISSN 2277 – 5684 - International Journa -l October 2014.
- “Study Of Effects And Perceptual Analysis In Implementing Biometric Authentication”, Referred Journal -European Journal of Scientific Research ,Volume No.61.No.2. ISSN : 1450-216X - International Journal - 2011.
- “A conceptual study of Biometric security and its perception towards usability”, Micro-finance in India : emerging trends and challenges International Marketing theory(IJMT) Serial Publication ISSN : 2230-889X , ISBN : 978 818387 444 1, pp. 215 to 227 - International Journal - 2010.
- “A Conceptual Study Of Biometric Security And Its Perception Towards Usability”, International journal of Computer Network and Security.Vol.3.No , ISSN : 0975-8283, pp .27 to33 - International journal - 2010.
- “Biometric Authentication-Security and Usability”, Globalisation and Consumer Protection .Vol.1 ISBN: 9788190 66 7197, pp 45 to 46 - BOOK Chapter - 2010.
- “Biometric Security– Applications and usability”, Current Scenario in microbial biotechnology Excel India publishers ISBN: 9789 3 800 43975, pp 180 to 183 - BOOK Chapter - 2010.
- “Biometric Authentication-Security and Usability”, Survival and growth strategies of business dynamics. ISBN: 97881 8371 2620, pp 541 to 546 - BOOK Chapter - 2009.
Research Interest
- Multimodal Biometrics.
- Network Security Management.
- Online Data Security.
- Knowledge Management and E-Learning.
- Digital Marketing.
Training and Workshops
- Conducted Workshop titled “Internet of Things and its Applications” Saudi Electronic University - Riyadh - KSA.
- Conducted Workshop titled “SPSS Basics” Saudi Electronic University - Riyadh - KSA.
- Conducted Webinar entitled “Biometric Authentication Techniques” for VIT University - Vellore - India - Online.
- Attended Workshop titled “R-Programming and SAS” Tiruchencode - Erode - India.
- Training for “Management of Quality Assurance and Improvement”. Bangalore - India.
- Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights Tiruchencode - Erode - India.
- Workshop titled“ Enhance Teaching Skills” Coimbatore - India.