Deanship of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation - Research Centers

Research Centers

Research Centers


The Center for Innovation in E-Learning aims to support the university's vision of leading the employment of technology in education to contribute to national development. This is achieved through conducting quality research and initiatives in the field of e-learning, its methodologies, and technologies. The center will work on enhancing the research ecosystem within the university and establishes partnerships with distinguished researchers and research organizations locally and internationally.


The Premier National Center of E-Learning Research and Technologies.

Vision, Mission, Objectives


Leadership in e-learning research and technologies to enhance the university's role locally and regionally.


Conduct advanced research, develop innovative technologies, and provide specialized evidence to enhance e-learning practices in Saudi Arabia by supporting university researchers and innovators and forming quality partnerships with distinguished research and professional organizations locally and internationally.


  1. Research Excellence: Conduct high-quality research to explore emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in e-learning, focusing on meeting the educational needs of Saudi Arabia.
  2. Technological Development: Develop innovative e-learning technologies using the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented/virtual reality, and adaptive learning systems.
  3. Capacity Building: Offer training programs and workshops for university faculty and postgraduate students to enhance their competencies in e-learning research and acquaint them with the latest research trends in the field.
  4. Collaboration and Partnerships: Strengthen partnerships with distinguished research and professional organizations locally and internationally to exchange knowledge, best practices, and enhance joint efforts in promoting e-learning initiatives and research.
  5. Impact Evaluation: Assess the impact of applying cutting-edge e-learning technologies and methodologies on student outcomes, learning experiences, and the performance of schools and universities, and publish the results to support evidence-based decision-making.
  6. Knowledge Dissemination: Publish research findings, studies, and best practices in high-ranking academic journals and prestigious conferences to contribute to the global knowledge base in e-learning and enhance Saudi Arabia's contributions in this field.

Research Priorities

  1. Personalizing the Learning Experience: Study how to tailor the learning experience for students by collecting information on their learning behaviors, performance, and skill mastery, then analyzing this data to provide a personalized educational experience that meets each student's needs and motivates them to improve their academic performance.
  2. Employing Cutting-edge Technologies in Education: Research how to employ the latest technologies such as generative artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain to enhance and improve student learning and solve problems faced by administrators and academics in higher education.
  3. Modern Learning Methodologies: Study the latest learning methodologies that have proven effective, such as microlearning, adaptive learning, gamification in learning, lifelong learning, and the best ways to employ and improve them.
  4. Developing Digital Content: Explore innovative approaches to developing high-quality digital educational materials, including interactive multimedia resources, simulations, and virtual labs to enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes.
  5. Instructional Design: With the reliance on technology in course building, it is necessary to think differently when selecting activities, content, and appropriate assessment tools for each course. Hence, instructional design plays a crucial role in achieving learning outcomes.
  6. Assessment and Evaluation: Study methods for measuring learning outcomes in electronic learning environments, including test and assignment design, ensuring the validity and reliability of online assessment tools, and developing appropriate strategies to minimize cheating.


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