Deanship of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation - Scientific Colleges Research Center

Scientific Colleges Research Center

Scientific Colleges Research Center

About the Center

The Scientific Colleges Research Center is dedicated to advancing research and innovation in key fields by providing support and resources to researchers and projects. Our focus areas include the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Management Governance, Privatization, Finance, and E-commerce. We foster a collaborative environment where researchers can develop solutions to real-world challenges and advance the practical applications of their work.

  • AI and Data Science: The center supports research projects that apply AI and data science in various sectors, particularly in finance and accounting, to enhance predictive modeling, automate financial analysis, and improve decision-making processes. AI applications are also encouraged in e-commerce and operational optimization.
  • Cybersecurity and Blockchain: We provide resources for research in cybersecurity and blockchain, helping projects that aim to protect digital assets, enhance financial transaction security, and improve supply chain transparency.
  • Management Governance and Privatization: The center supports research focused on best practices in management governance and privatization, enabling researchers to explore strategies that enhance organizational efficiency and integrity, especially during economic transitions.
  • Finance and E-commerce: Our support extends to research in finance and e-commerce, emphasizing the application of innovative technologies like AI and blockchain to streamline accounting practices, automate compliance, and improve financial reporting and online retail strategies.


Innovation that makes a difference 


Our mission is to lead in supporting research and the application of AI, data science, cybersecurity, blockchain, management governance, privatization, finance, and e-commerce. We aim to foster innovations that deliver significant social and economic benefits by providing strategic support and resources to researchers and their projects.


We aspire to be a globally recognized center for supporting research in AI, data science, cybersecurity, and blockchain technologies, particularly in finance and accounting, as well as e-commerce. Our goal is to contribute to the advancement of these fields by empowering researchers with the tools and resources they need to succeed.


Research Excellence: Support high-impact research focused on applying AI, data science, cybersecurity, and blockchain to address challenges in finance, accounting, and other key areas.

  • Technological Innovation: Provide resources and support for the development and application of innovative technologies that transform financial services, accounting, management governance, and e-commerce.
  • Capacity Building: Facilitate the growth of new researchers and faculty members by supporting their involvement in application-driven research projects, guided by global experts.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Establish and strengthen partnerships with leading academic and industry institutions to facilitate the application of research findings and drive technological and scientific progress.
  • Publication and Outreach: Support the dissemination of research findings that highlight practical applications of AI, blockchain, and other technologies in finance, accounting, and e-commerce, establishing the center as a thought leader in these fields.

Research Priorities

  • AI and Data Science Applications: Support research projects that advance the application of AI in finance, accounting, and e-commerce, focusing on predictive analytics, automation, and improved decision-making.
  • Cybersecurity and Blockchain Applications: Provide resources for research on blockchain applications for secure and transparent financial transactions and the development of advanced cybersecurity measures to protect digital infrastructures.
  • Management Governance and Privatization: Support research into effective governance models and privatization strategies that enhance organizational performance and efficiency.
  • Finance and E-commerce: Encourage and support research in new financial technologies and e-commerce strategies to streamline business operations, improve customer trust, and expand market reach.

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