لمحة عن القسم
تحتل العلومُ الأساسيّةُ مكانةً مركزيّةً في الفكرِ الإنسانيِّ؛ إذْ تمثل جزءًا أساسيًا من المساعي والخيال والإبداع البشري، لذلك فإنّ فهمَ العلومِ يعدُّ ضرورةً قصوى إذا ما أردنا معرفة آليَة عمل الطبيعة، فهي توفر طريقة فعّالة لبناءِ الانضباطِ العقليِّ، وتشجيعِ التّفكير المنطقيِّ. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تلعبُ العلومُ الأساسيَّة دورًا محوريًا في فهمِ الحقولِ الدراسيّةِ الأخرى، كالهندسةِ والإدارةِ والاقتصادِ والطّبِ والكمبيوترِ والدراساتِ الاجتماعيّةِ؛ لذلك يقدم قسمُ العلومِ الأساسيَّةِ مقرراتٍ أساسيّةً داعمةً للطّلابِ المتخصصين في مجالاتِ دراسيّةٍ مختلفةٍ، حيث تشمل هذه المقررات - وهي متطلباتٌ أساسيةٌ من قِبلِ الأقسامِ الأخرى - الرياضياتِ المتقطّعةِ، والجبرِ الخطيّ، والإحصاءِ، والأساليبِ الكميّةِ، والفيزياءِ العامةِ 1، والفيزياء العامةِ 2. لا يمنح القسمُ درجةً أكاديميَّةً في الوقت الحالي، ولكننا نعكفُ على تأسيسِ برنامجنا الخاص الذي قد يتمُّ تقديمه من ضمنِ خططنا المستقبليّة.
خلق مجتمع المعرفة من خلالِ تعزيزِ تعلّمِ العلومِ.
تقديمُ تعليمٍ عالي الجودةِ؛ لتمكين الطّلابِ من توظيفِ معارفِهم لاستكشافِ التّطبيقاتِ الواقعيّةِ المتّصلةِ بعلومِ الرياضياتِ والإحصاءِ والفيزياءِ.
كلمة رئيس القسم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أودُّ أنْ أرحِّبَ بكم في صفحةِ قسمِ العلومِ الأساسيَّةِ بكليَّةِ العلومِ والدراساتِ النظريَّةِ، وهذه نبذةٌ سريعةٌ ومختصرةٌ عن نشاطِ القسمِ؛ حيثُ يقدّمُ بعضَ الموادِ المهمةِ والمطلوبةِ من الطّلابِ الذين يدرسونَ في برامجِ كليّةِ العلومِ الإداريةِ والماليةِ، وكليةِ الحوسبةِ والمعلوماتيةِ.
سيتعلّمُ الطّلاب الرياضياتِ المتقطعةَ والتي سوف تساعدُهم على فهمِ واستخدامِ الهياكلِ المنفصلةِ المجردةِ التي بمثابةِ العمودِ الفقريّ لعلومِ الكمبيوترِ، كما ستتاحُ الفرصةُ للطّلابِ للتّعرفِ على الجبرِ الخطيِّ الذي يستخدم بشكلٍ واسعٍ وأساسيّ في مواد الهندسةِ وغيرها من المجالاتِ.
سيدرسُ الطّلابُ الإحصاءَ، الذي يعرّفُهم بالأساليبِ الإحصائيّةِ الأساسيّةِ المستخدمةِ في إدارةِ الأعمالِ وتطبيقاتِ تقنية المعلوماتِ، وسوف تكونُ المهارةُ لديهم لاتخاذ القرارات بعد تحليل البيانات، باستخدام حزمٍ من البرامجِ، بالإضافة إلى ذلك سوف يتعلّمُ الطلابُ بعضًا من مفاهيمِ نظريّةِ الاحتمالاتِ في مادةِ مقدّمةِ في الإحصاء والاحتمالات.
كما سيدرسون الأساليبَ الكميَّة التي تساعدُهم في حلِّ مشاكلِ عدم الكفاءةِ، وضعف الإنتاجيّة والمواقفِ المحفوفةِ بالمخاطرِ، في إدارةِ الأعمالِ والعملياتِ الفنيّةِ والمشاريعِ.
كما يدرسُ الطّلابُ بقسمنا مادتي فيزياء عامة 1 و2 وبذلك سيتمكنون من معرفة الكميّات الفيزيائيةِ الأساسيّةِ وفهمِ بعضِ المفاهيمِ الفيزيائيّةِ، بل وتطبيقها في برامجِ تخصصاتهم.
يعتمد قسمُ العلومِ الأساسيَّةِ على أعضاءِ هيئةِ تدريسِ متميزين ومبدعين، يبسطون الأفكارَ المعقّدةَ للطّلابِ بشكلٍ واضحٍ ومنطقيٍّ، كما يساعدونهم في معرفةِ تطبيقِ المفاهيمِ التي تعلموها.
وكذلك الأعضاء بالقسم نشيطون في المجالات البحثية، إلى جانب التطوير المستمر للمناهج الدراسية.
لا يمنح قسم العلوم الأساسية حالياً درجة أكاديمية، ولكن القسم في خطته المستقبلية يتطلع إلى أن يكون له برنامج أكاديمي خاص.
د. رهام الأحمدي
رئيسة قسم العلوم الأساسية
اسم المقرر : Statistics
اسم المقرر : Statistics
رمز المقرر : STAT101
الساعات المعتمدة : 03
ساعات الاتصال : 48
لغة التدريس : English
نوع المتطلب : Colleges’ requirement
الوصف | This course introduces the student to statistics with business applications. The course covers both descriptive and inferential statistics. The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic statistical methods used in Business, IT applications and other related multidisciplinary areas. Students will learn how to select and apply appropriate statistical methods to analyze data from clinical trials, and how to present, interpret and discuss the analyses clearly and concisely. Topics included are measures of central tendency; measures of dispersion; graphical displays of data; linear regression; basic probability concepts; binomial and normal probability distributions; confidence intervals; and hypothesis testing of mean, proportion for one or two populations. The course also covers ANOVA and hypothesis tests for Goodness of Fit. By the end of this module, students should be able to apply the concepts of statistics to a business situation, the concepts of discrete and normal probability distributions, to formulate testing of hypotheses in constructing and interpreting confidence intervals, to analyze data sets using linear regression and correlation and to interpret the results obtained from analyzing data using software. |
المواضيع الرئيسية للمقرر | Topics included are measures of central tendency; measures of dispersion; graphical displays of data; linear regression; basic probability concepts; binomial and normal probability distributions; confidence intervals; and hypothesis testing of mean, proportion for one or two populations. The course also covers ANOVA and hypothesis tests for Goodness of Fit. By the end of this module, students should be able to apply the concepts of statistics to a business situation, the concepts of discrete and normal probability distributions, to formulate testing of hypotheses in constructing and interpreting confidence intervals, to analyze data sets using linear regression and correlation and to interpret the results obtained from analyzing data using software. |
الكتاب الدراسي | Triola, M.F. (2011). Elementary statisticsusingtheTI-83/84 Plus calculator. (3rdEdition). Pearson Education. ISBN:978-0-321-64148-9 (print version) |
المراجع | - |
اسم المقرر : Quantitative Methods
اسم المقرر : Quantitative Methods
رمز المقرر : STAT201
الساعات المعتمدة : 03
ساعات الاتصال : 48
لغة التدريس : English
نوع المتطلب : Colleges’ requirement
الوصف | This course addresses the importance of applying quantitative methods and analysis to the solution of business problems using structured problem solving and specialized data analysis software tools. The main focus of the course is on solutions to problems of inefficiency, poor productivity, and risky situations within the management of business and technical processes, projects, and operations. Some of the methodologies covered are linear programming, PERT/CPM analysis, time series, decision tree analysis, and data mining. Upon completion of this module, students should be able to recognize various decision-making options based on probability and risk. Predict data trends based on historical or variable information. Manipulate the balance between waiting line cost and service cost. Calculate the solutions for linear programming problems. Construct various inventory controls and project management models. Use data for simulation modelling and appraise the outcomes. |
المواضيع الرئيسية للمقرر | Topics included are Introduction to Quantitative Analysis; Decision Analysis; Forecasting; Regression Models; Waiting Lines and Queuing Theory Models; Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Method. The course also covers Linear Programming Applications, Transportation and Assignment Models. Moreover, Inventory Control Models, Project Management, and Simulation Modeling. |
الكتاب الدراسي | Render, B., Stair, R, & Hanna, M. (2012): Quantitative analysis for management (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, ISBN: 9780132149112(print version) |
المراجع | - |
اسم المقرر : Discrete Mathematics
اسم المقرر : Discrete Mathematics
رمز المقرر : MATH150
الساعات المعتمدة : 03
ساعات الاتصال : 48
لغة التدريس : English
نوع المتطلب : Colleges’ requirement
الوصف | This course in discrete mathematics provides the mathematical background needed for all subsequent courses in computer science and for all subsequent courses in the many branches of discrete mathematics. This course introduces students to fundamental algebraic, logical and combinatorial concepts in mathematics. Topics include Boolean Logic, Predicate Logic, sets, mapping, relations, elementary counting principles, algorithm & proof techniques, graphs, and recursions. Upon completion of this module, students will be able to understand and use (abstract) discrete structures that are backbones of computer science. Explain competently the concept of Logic and Boolean Algebra. Analyze the Basic Structures of Discrete Mathematics, such as Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices. Calculate the counting problems and general problems using Algorithms. Explain accurately the concept of modular arithmetic and linear congruences. Illustrate the concept of Graph Theory in " Graphs", "Trees" and "Relations". Judge correctly the proof of statements by Mathematical Induction and concept of Recursion. |
المواضيع الرئيسية للمقرر | Topics include Boolean Logic, Predicate Logic, sets, mapping, relations, elementary counting principles, algorithm & proof techniques, graphs, and recursions. Upon completion of this module, students will be able to understand and use (abstract) discrete structures that are backbones of computer science. Explain competently the concept of Logic and Boolean Algebra. Analyze the Basic Structures of Discrete Mathematics, such as Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices. Calculate the counting problems and general problems using Algorithms. Explain accurately the concept of modular arithmetic and linear congruences. Illustrate the concept of Graph Theory in " Graphs", "Trees" and "Relations". Judge correctly the proof of statements by Mathematical Induction and concept of Recursion. |
الكتاب الدراسي | Rosen, K.H. (2012). Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0077431440 (print version). |
المراجع | - |
اسم المقرر : Linear Algebra
اسم المقرر : Linear Algebra
رمز المقرر : MATH251
الساعات المعتمدة : 03
ساعات الاتصال : 48
لغة التدريس : English
نوع المتطلب : Colleges’ requirement
الوصف | This course of Linear Algebra is most widely used in the engineering core subjects, and other fields. The course offers the solution of systems of algebraic equations obtained from engineering problems and eigen-system analysis, a range of ways for the students to develop their skills and knowledge by introducing several specialized areas of mathematics and its applications in engineering. The main topics include in this course are systems of linear equations, their applications and solutions. Matrices, vectors, elementary operations on vectors, linear independence, spanning sets, and bases. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and Eigen spaces will be discussed. Example and applications will be primarily based on IT systems. Upon completion of this module, students will be able to recognize methods to solve a system of linear equations. Describe a geometric technique for maximizing or minimizing a linear expression. Calculate the dot product and the cross product of vectors, in addition to define the Diagonalization and Quadratic Forms. Analyze the properties of vector spaces and subspaces using linear transformations. Illustrate the properties of matrices such as invariability, determinant, etc. Clarify the concept of the eigenvectors, eigenvalues and linear transformation. |
المواضيع الرئيسية للمقرر | The main topics include in this course are systems of linear equations, their applications and solutions. Matrices, vectors, elementary operations on vectors, linear independence, spanning sets, and bases. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and Eigen spaces will be discussed. Example and applications will be primarily based on IT systems. Upon completion of this module, students will be able to recognize methods to solve a system of linear equations. Describe a geometric technique for maximizing or minimizing a linear expression. Calculate the dot product and the cross product of vectors, in addition to define the Diagonalization and Quadratic Forms. Analyze the properties of vector spaces and subspaces using linear transformations. Illustrate the properties of matrices such as invariability, determinant, etc. Clarify the concept of the eigenvectors, eigenvalues and linear transformation. |
الكتاب الدراسي | H. Anton, C. Rorres, (2013). Elementary Linear Algebra, 11e(Middle East Edition), Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Lted. ISBN; 978-1-118-87876-7 |
المراجع | - |
اسم المقرر : General Physics 1
اسم المقرر : General Physics 1
رمز المقرر : SCI101
الساعات المعتمدة : 03
ساعات الاتصال : 48
لغة التدريس : English
نوع المتطلب : Colleges’ requirement
الوصف | This course will provide the fundamental ideas of physics. Beginning with kinematics, it includes motion in one and two dimensions, Newton’s laws of motion and their applications, work and energy, linear momentum and collisions, rotational motion, and principles of conservation. Additionally, a study of electric charges, forces, and field, Coulomb’s law. The purpose of this course is to identify the basic physical quantities, explain the concepts and apply the basic knowledge of physics necessary for their specialization programs. After successful completion of this course, students will be able to state basic concepts of mechanics and electrostatics theoretically and mathematically. State suitable theories related to the given problems. Demonstrate numerical skills to solve different type of problems in kinematics and electrostatics. |
المواضيع الرئيسية للمقرر | Students will learn the fundamental ideas of physics. Beginning with kinematics, it includes motion in one and two dimensions, Newton’s laws of motion and their applications, work and energy, linear momentum and collisions, rotational motion, and principles of conservation. Additionally, a study of electric charges, forces, and field, Coulomb’s law. |
الكتاب الدراسي | 1. Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett Jr. (2019) Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physics, 10th Edition CENGAGE Learning. ISBN- 978-1-337-55329-2 2. Physics: Principles with Applications, 7th edition, ISBN 978-0-321-62592-2, by Douglas C. Giancoli, published by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall © 2015 |
المراجع | - |
اسم المقرر : General Physics 2
اسم المقرر : General Physics 2
رمز المقرر : SCI201
الساعات المعتمدة : 03
ساعات الاتصال : 48
لغة التدريس : English
نوع المتطلب : Colleges’ requirement
الوصف | This course will provide a study of electric potential and electric potential energy, electric current, electric circuits, magnetism, thermal physics, transfer of energy in thermal processes, the laws of thermodynamics, vibrations and waves, periodic motion, oscillations, the motion of a pendulum, sound waves, electromagnetic waves, the nature of light, and reflection and refraction of light. The main purpose of this course is to identify and explain the concepts and apply the basic knowledge of physics (related to electrostatics, electricity and magnetisms, heat, thermodynamics, oscillations, waves, electromagnetic waves, reflection and refraction of light) necessary for their specialization programs. After successful completion of this course, students will be able to state and explain the basic concepts of electrostatics, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, sound and light theoretically and mathematically. Demonstrate numerical skills to solve different type of problems in electrostatics, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, sound and light. |
المواضيع الرئيسية للمقرر | This course will provide a study of electric potential and electric potential energy, electric current, electric circuits, magnetism, thermal physics, transfer of energy in thermal processes, the laws of thermodynamics, vibrations and waves, periodic motion, oscillations, the motion of a pendulum, sound waves, electromagnetic waves, the nature of light, and reflection and refraction of light. |
الكتاب الدراسي | Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett Jr/ (2019) Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physics, 10th Edition CENGAGE Learning. ISBN- 978-1-337-55329-2 |
المراجع | - |