E-commerce is a new major that is a mixture between business administration and information technology. E-commerce is one of the strongest majors that used to fall under information systems major. Later on, it became an independent major. E-commerce graduates have the following skills:
Graduates Skills
1.Developing websites.
2.Training in e- commerce.
3. Experience in Business.
4.Business searching via internet.
5. Create costumers’ personal electronic files.
6.Manage e-commerce and companies sites.
7.Use logic to analyze and solve issues related to marketing and e-commerce.
8.Support electronic transactions and develop employees’ technical skills
9. Create an effective system for the company, customers and employees.
Job Opportunities
1- Assistant Information Research
2- Information Researcher
3- Information Specialist
4-Senior Information Specialist
5- E-Business Analyst
6-Business Intelligence Analyst
7-Database Analyst
8 -E-Business Consultant
9 - Information Systems Management Analyst
10-Strategic Information Systems Analyst
11 - Information Security Consultant
12- Web developers
13 - Information Libraries Specialist
14- Electronic Records Manager
Head's Word

Welcome to the page of E-commerce Department in the Saudi Electronic University.
E-commerce is one of the newest majors that has been established to meet the labor market needs for specialized talents in the field of business administration and commerce activities via information technology and media; especially with the rapid growth of electronic commerce and business.
E-Commerce Department offers bachelor's degree in E-Commerce. The academic plan covers knowledge and skills related to the strategies of e-business, e marketing, e-commerce management, website development in addition to the basic management skills and knowledge.
We seek to develop students’ learning skills in addition to the constant development of educational curriculums to meet the labor market needs for highly qualified talents specialized in E-Commerce.
Dr . Ibrahim Mohammed Alhassan